Sunday, May 13, 2007

maybe i'm missing something here?

I am having a lot of trouble understanding people anymore. George Bush’s approval rating is quite low, according to the polls, but there seem to still be a whole lot of people who, even if they disapprove of his handling of the Iraq war, still support him and his party nonetheless.

I don’t get it. If you ask almost any hard-line Republican why they are a Republican or a “Conservative” and they will list several reasons, mostly: they want a smaller, less invasive government, they are pro-life, and they are against “gay marriage”.

Do people realize that the Bush white house, elected on these platforms, have done absolutely nothing for any of these causes? What’s worse, is that they don’t even have the excuse that they tried, but their efforts were squashed by congress, the senate, or the supreme court.

These people, elected on the Conservative-issue platform, have had a rubber-stamp congress, and have been able to appoint not one but two supreme court justices! No other White House in history (that I can think of) has had such a luxury!

If Bush really wanted to overturn Roe v. Wade, he could have. If he wanted to pass a constitutional ban on gay marriage, congress and the judiciary would have let him - after all, he practically handpicked them. Furthermore, our government and its reach into our personal lives has grown exponentially in the past six years.

So why do people still support him on the whole “less invasive government, family values” platform? I just don’t get it. Maybe someone can enlighten me. Maybe i’m missing something here.


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